I was looking through old photo albums and scanned some of my favorites of Sally as a child. I always thought she was the most doll-like looking and photogenic baby, especially compared to me, a toothless, wild-eyed yokel with a 'fro. But then again, I am her older sister. Yesterday, I just rediscovered the picture above of a baby Sally waving at a seagull, which so perfectly shows her gentle spirit.
Our 7-year age difference always seemed so vast, so it's a very weird feeling knowing that she is now 22 years old, a woman. It seems like just yesterday that she was a baby and I was dressing her up in doll clothes. When we were younger, Sally stayed with our grandmother since Mom couldn't afford daycare. I still remember crying every Sunday while looking at her through the window, her in her car seat, while I waved goodbye until next week.
This set of Sally playing with her pink ball instantly reminded me of a set of pictures I took of her just a few months ago. How lucky am I to be able to see her anytime I want now.
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